And now the Top 10 Things I Love About Having 3 Kids:
10. I now have the privaledge of changing back-to-back poopy diapers.
9. Every normal task now takes extra mental effort to think through juggling the 3 of them
8. One can be hungry, one can have a blowout diaper and one can need help all at the same time.
7. Learning the art of controling the volume of noise around the baby (still haven't learned it)
6. Kissing 3 adorable, bright-eyed faces every day.
5. Seeing them make eachother laugh.
4. Fitting everybody in the rocking chair with me.
3. Naptime
2. Knowing they'll grow up with eachother
1. Being 3 people's mom for the rest of my life
Well, you haven't seen a new post in a while and numbers 7-10 can explain it. Boy, did things pick up and get a lot more busier since my last post. Mackenzie had RSV at two weeks old, which meant that I have been on house arrest, not really, but we've been home basically for the last 3 weeks and we're starting to get a little, okay a lot stir crazy. She has gotten a lot better. Thanks for all of your prayers. The fun part is I am really enjoying watching Mackenzie change. She's even begun to smile at me...I know it's a little early for smiles, but she really has looked straight in my eyes while I'm talking mommy talk and she smiles. We call her Smiley Cyrus....a little silly, but who cares. That's what having a baby is all about, saying ridiculous things in high pitched voices. Anyhow, we are surviving. Chad and I have had a lot of evenings where we just look at eachother so deliriously and laugh. Sometimes, that's all you can do.
Yes, laughter is sometimes the only thing you can do to survive. Girl!! I had no idea M had RSV. That does not sound like fun for anyone. I would have loved to have helped you out somehow!!
You sound like you are on Cloud 9. I am so happy for you. It looks like all is going well and the four of you are learning to live with an extra family member. Congrats!!! Too bad Gabby doesn't like Mackenzie!! ha ha Does Alex still say, "That baby cry!"? So funny!
I'm SO, SO glad Mackenzie is feeling better!!! We were praying for all of you during her sickness! I just loved your post on what you love about 3; you're an awesome momma to those little ones and the Lord has given you such a gift! I can't wait till my kids and your kiddos are well at the same time so I can get some more holding time in with Miss M.!
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