As a special treat, we bought the old movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and let the kids pick out their favorite candy at the grocery store to eat while watching. Believe me, that movie makes you want to eat chocolate. Try watching it without craving chocolate!
Speaking of chocolate....between Girl Scout cookies and this past Valentine's day, I am going have to roll myself around the house like the character Violet (blueberry girl) from Willy Wonka. I've got to stop! Here are some pictures of the kids opening their presents on Valentine's Day.
In other news, we are on Skunk Watch 2011. Apparently a family of skunks thought under our deck was a great place to set up camp. We've had to hire a company to trap them one-by-one. So far we've caught 6 skunks!!!!!!!! Exciting news, I know! Also in a soon to be posted post...our nursery is coming along nicely. I will post our progress soon!