Picture with cousin Katie (a little blury because no one holds still)
Hooper & Noble Cousins come visit our home.
Alex turned 4!!! We had his party at Bounce U where the whole family had a grand time!!!
Baby Jackson even had a blast!
Happy Birthday, Alex!!!
My sister Erica was in town from North Carolina!!! Her kids got to celebrate!!
Eventually Alex was so worn out he couldn't jump anymore.
Colton and Caleb came!
Hannah and Emma!!!
Grandma and Gido!!!
I'd say he had a great celebration!
We finished off the night of his birthday by going to his favorite resteraunt Rain Forest Cafe!
When the thunder and lightning started his sister Gabby was right there by his side to comfort him.
Everyone had to get a snake soveneir before we left of course...
Christmas at the Hooper's...
Gabby gets prissy in her new boots!!!
New Year's Day with my best friend Lexi. It also happens to be her birthday! Happy Birthday, Lex!!!
Alex goes back to school and gets to put 4 pennies in the bank at chapel.
Mackenzie wakes up on her birthday morning.
" Yippee!!! It's my birthday!!!"
We had a small family party for her at our house.
We love you, Mackenzie!!!!!!!
Present time!!!
We had to end the party just in time to go view Gabby's artwork that made it into the Rodeo again this year. She was awarded a blue ribbon. Out of 900 students, she was one out of 22 that got picked to go. We are so proud of her!!!!!!
We are happy to report there have been many celebrations around our household. First, Christmas, then Alex's 4th Birthday, and finding out our baby is a boy and lastly, yesterday Mackenzie's 2nd birthday. This time of year is our busiest, but it's just a reminder of how incredibly blessed we are!!! Happy New Year!!!!
I am a stay-at-home mom of Gabby, 7, and Alex, 4,Mackenzie 2, and my baby boy, Charlie. I love to decorate, sew, write,watch movies and play with my kids.